Board of Directors
School Board Member
Dr. Ismail is a retired MD. He joined Iqra School Board in 2001. He is also a director of Al-Ameen a bi-weekly Islamic newspaper serving the Muslim community.
School Board Secretary
Br. Amin is the School Board Secretary. He has been with the Board since 2002. He is currently an IT consultant with BC Biomedical Laboratories.
School Board Member
Dr. Ramadan received his medical degree in 1997 at Tripoli University, Libya and completed his training in internal medicine in Ireland.
School Board Chairperson
Dr. Mihirig is the Iqra School Board Chairperson. He received his M.A.Sc and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Board Member
Br. Syed Ali received his bachelors degree in Electronics Engineering, and is registered as a professional engineer with EGBC, in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.